Continuous improvement, that’s what Kelvin is all about

Published on: 21st November 2017

We are constantly looking for ways to improve, meaning every conversation with a stakeholder has the potential to unlock another innovation.  Kelvin, one of our newest employees is part of a team implementing a new system which has continuous improvement and the customers interests at the heart of it.


Q. You recently started with Sterling in August, tell us one key thing you have learnt about the company.

A. I have learned that Sterling is embodies continuous improvement.  Throughout the company there is a desire to improve, both the trucks we build and our internal processes, so we don’t get stuck in rut of an old procedure.  It took me a short while to get used to this fast-paced culture, but now I love it!


Q. As part of a team, you assist in operations and implementing a new system.  Tell us 2 reasons why this system will  streamline our processes and benefit the customer?

A.  This new system will completely change how we operate, streamlining each of our processes from the original quote to the truck being ready for collection.  In the industry we operate in, its standard to wait a few weeks for your enquiry to turn into a quote.  We want to change that, so this new system reduces that time delay significantly!  Also the new system will help us to control labour and material spend, meaning we can price more accurately, saving our customers money!


Q.What do you enjoy the most about working at Sterling?

A. The final product driving out the gate! I find trucks are the most rewarding thing to sell!  Every day you hear another truck driving out the yard, on schedule, to satisfy yet another driver.  It gives a real sense of satisfaction to be able to think, ‘I helped build that’!


Q.Finally, tell us one random fact about yourself!

A.I could tell you a few!  I like anything that is physically demanding, so out-of-work hours you may find me either on a surfboard or on my mountain bike.


Read about our other team members!


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Case Study

"‘We have had Sterling bodies on the fleet since 2017 and they have always performed well for the machines that we operate.  The backup support allows us to rely on maximum up-time for our delivery service to our clients. With the new livery and the enhancements to the specification, these trucks will allow us to maintain the highest standards of safety and efficiency for years to come.’   "

Duncan Turk, Transport Manager at GT Access Ltd

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